

Google Advertising

You might not think Google ads are important however, did you know 96% of all marketers invest in PPC/Search Ads and a staggering 80% of businesses choose to focus their marketing efforts on Google Ads in AUS alone. 

Pay for Qualified Traffic!

Google Ads sit at the bottom of the purchase journey and for good reason. Google Ads convert traffic to paying clients. We help you build, optimise and scale your Google Ads campaigns so you can bring on more clients, make more sales and skyrocket your ROI.

Here’s How:

Google Ads

The first step is auditing your ad accounts - what's working, what's not, what can be improved. Then we research your competition and build a strategy that sets you apart.

Ad Copywriting

We create conversion oriented copy that will capture your audience and drive purchase action.

Optimisation &

We double down on what's working and continuously test for ways to better the performance of all campaigns.

Keywords Audit

It is imperative to be targeting keywords that are relevant to your brand. Audit all keywords to find what will work for your audience.

4 Reasons Why PPC is a MUST For Your Business!

Frequently Asked Questions.

What is the average click-through rate in Google Ads?

This depends a bit on whom you ask. Generally the average CTR on Google’s search network is 3 – 5%. The numbers will vary per industry and country.

How can Google Ads help me grow my business?

Well, there are many ways Google Ads can help you grow. For example, we could run; Search, Performance Max, Display, Shopping or YouTube Ads to help you achieve your objectives. Remember every business is different and will require something different from all advertising platforms.

How long does it take to see results?

In truth, digital marketing results will vary business to business. Putting an exact timeframe on results is tricky without first viewing and auditing your existing accounts. Typically you will see results in the first 3 months depending on what stage of business you are in.

What is more important SEO or Google Ads?

They’re both very different however they both feed each other. Chicken before the egg if you will. Ads are instantly gratifying, you can generate sales, traffic and leads very quickly. SEO is more a long-term approach where big wins take 6-12 months depending on your spend. To answer the question, they’re both very important parts of your marketing strategy and you should consider both. 

Let’s get in touch!

If you want help setting up, optimising and scaling your Google Ads campaigns – send us a message we are more than happy to help.